Life Insurance

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helping you in family court

Family matters & domestic relations

What Is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is an excellent way to protect the financial security of the people you love. It can be divided into two main categories, term insurance and permanent insurance.

Term Life Insurance

One benefit of term insurance is the ability to convert some or all of the coverage to permanent coverage at a later date with no additional medicals. You are therefore able to purchase a significant amount of life insurance when you are young, and then convert it to permanent coverage, at some point in the future, no matter your health.

Term 10 Coverage
  • lowest premiums for life insurance for the first 10 years
  • policy renews automatically with premiums increasing every 10 years • ideal insurance for families and young couples

Term 20 Coverage
  • lowest premiums for life insurance for the first 20 years
  • policy renews automatically with premiums increasing every 20 years
  • ideal insurance for mortgage and longer-term commitments

Term 65 coverage
  • provides long-term coverage
  • premiums remain unchanged until the age of 65
  • ideal for longer-term commitments

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


plan of action

know your rights

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One step ahead

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building your case

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achieving your goals

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we are part of the family. all the way through.

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you are not alone

our professional services Include:

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Issues that may arise in family law

Established in 1997, our team’s extensive expertise in the insurance industry ensures you receive the best advice.

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